The structure and beauty of our hair is perhaps the part that draws the most attention on our face. Hair loss or absence can cause distress and lack of self-confidence. Long periods of medication, different treatment methods, genetic disorders, stress caused by daily life are some of the prominent reasons of hair loss. FUE hair transplantation is one of the most effective and advanced methods to mend this problem.
Before FUE hair transplantation, FUT hair transplantation was widely used. However, FUT technique required the complete removal of donor region along with the tissue. This caused scars and lack of hair in the donor region. As a result, this technique advanced with technology and evolved into FUE hair transplantation. With the FUE hair transplantation, both scars and lack of hair in the donor region are no longer the case. FUE hair transplantation is done with the healthy follicles taken from the back of the head, the nape. These follicles called grafts are extracted from the donor area and transplanted to the problematic parts.
Before FUE hair transplantation, our experts closely examine the patient and determine the number of follicles, which are called grafts, that will be transplanted. If the target area is wide, then additional sessions might be necessary to achieve desired results. For the operation, 0.6 or 0.8 mm FUE motor tips are used. Thanks to this tool, follicles can be extracted undamaged. Most important thing here is to transplant the follicles without too much delay. Our experts, with their years of experience, perform the FUE hair transplantation operation perfectly.
After FUE hair transplantation is completed, the transplanted region Is covered with bandages. After the operation, rash and scabs can occur on the transplanted region. The transplanted region should not contact sun, wind, cold or hot weather. That is why the region is protected with bandages. Best thing to do during this period is to rest at home. After resting for 1 day, you will need to come to our center so our experts can apply medical dressing and evaluate your situation. If everything is ok, you can start washing your hair 3 days after the operation, but it is recommended to use lotion and shampoo suggested by our experts rather than any other cosmetic products. You can wash your hair without applying much force. The purpose of washing during this period is to get rid of the scabs and allow your follicles to get air. You will need to repeat washing every day with great care. You can wear a hat suggested by our experts and continue your daily life. However, you must be careful about sun light and cold weather as those might the newly transplanted follicles.
Following FUE hair transplantation, the transplanted hair will rapidly fall. This is nothing to worry about. After 2-3 months of rest and full restoration of the transplanted follicles, your hair will start to grow. Within 6 to 8 months, hair growth rate will be complete, but it may take approximately 1 year for your hair to gain a healthy and high-volume look. In order to get detailed information about FUE hair transplantation method and get in touch with our doctors, you can reach us by calling the contact numbers.