As the technology advanced, treatment of numerous diseases also evolved and changed and became relatively simpler. Hair transplantation without shaving became one of the latest techniques.
Male and female patients apply to our hospital because of hair loss or loss of hair density. But many patients gave up the idea about hair transplantation because of the necessity to shave the head completely. But now, hair transplantation without shaving is possible and easy thanks to FUE technique.
We are under a lot of stress throughout the day. Difficulties in our work and our life increase the impact of stress, which in turn harm the balance in our body. Most common side effect of stress is hair loss. In addition to stress, wrong shampoo and chemicals, accidents and wounds, deficient hair care, medication and treatments, aging are also other factors that can cause hair loss. This problem causes sadness and psychological disorders for people who care about how they look. With hair transplantation without shaving, we can all these problems for good.
Men face hair loss more often than women. Men usually suffer from local hair loss, while women suffer from hair density loss. Shaving of the head was a discomfortable practice for all our patients who applied to our hospital for the hair transplantation procedure. They did not want to even go back to their daily lives or their work. But thanks to latest techniques, you can enjoy the full benefits of hair transplantation without shaving your hair.
Healthy follicles extracted from the back of your head are transplanted to the target region with thin tipped special equipment. As a result, hair transplantation operation can be done without shaving and disturbing your normal look, allowing you to regain your hair back.
Hair transplantation without shaving is done in sessions. A session takes 7 to 8 hours on average. How many sessions will be required will be told to you by our doctors after the primary examination. After the operation you’re free to return to your home. Since the operation is done under local anesthesia, you won’t need to stay in the hospital and can rest at home. You cannot wash your hair for 24 hours. The day after the operation you have to come to the hospital so our doctors can control your head and make sure everything is ok. Starting from the 3rd day, you can wash your hair. The important thing here is to make sure that the transplanted region is well protected from the sunray and cold air. If you have business to attend to, you will need to protect yourself with hats advised by our doctors.
You can see rashes and scabs on your scalp after the operation, which are nothing to be concerned about. The body will be pumping blood to the transplantation region to accelerate the healing process which causes these in return so it’s completely natural and temporary. As you start to wash your hair gently, you will notice that scabs go away. You can also notice that your hair continues to fall, and the hair density continue to decline after the operation but don’t be afraid. Within 6 months the formation of the transplanted follicles will be complete and new hair will start to grow. Within a year you will get your healthy and high-volume hair back. Hair transplantation without shaving has become a really practical and easy procedure for many patients who seek to solve hair loss for certain. In order to get detailed information and consult our doctors to analyze your hair, make sure to call our contact numbers. You can ask the questions on your mind such as the process in general, pricing and payment options. For healthy, high-volume hair, make sure to take advantage of our hair transplantation without shaving service.